Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Are the Friends of the Hyde Park Picture House and the Hyde Park Picture House separate organisations?
  2. What are the aims of the Friends of the Hyde Park Picture House?
  3. How is the Friends organised?
  4. What about Membership of the Friends?
  5. Will members of the Friends get a discount at Picture House screenings?
  6. Why has this change been made?
  7. How much will it cost to join the Friends?
  8. Why should I join the Friends?
  9. How do I join?
  10. What if I can’t make an online payment?
  11. What do I do if I’m having trouble trying to join?
  12. What will the Friends be doing in 2023?

Yes, the Friends are a group of people who enjoy cinema and feel in some way connected to the Hyde Park Picture House. We want to ensure that it does not go the way of so many wonderful historic cinemas across the country. In particular we want as many, and as wide a range of people as possible to be able to experience the same enjoyment through it that we do.

What are the aims of the Friends of the Hyde Park Picture House?

  • To promote and support participation in the cultural landscape of Hyde Park, Leeds and Yorkshire through appreciation of cinema
  • To celebrate the heritage of Hyde Park Picture House and ensure its preservation and continued use for cinema and related arts for all sections of the community

Our members have to confirm that they support these aims.

How is the Friends organised?

We are democratic charity, with a Committee elected by our members at our Annual General Meeting each year. But you don’t have to wait until a general meeting to get involved! Contact us at any time to find out more and there is also a lot more information about us on our website

What about Membership of the Friends?

An updated Friends’ membership scheme started on 1st January 2023. You can join now to play an additional part in supporting the cinema and getting involved with our activities for the year ahead. Being a member is a great way of having your ideas heard and will give you voting rights at our General Meetings.

Will members of the Friends get a discount at Picture House screenings?

The discounts available through your present Friends’ membership will continue for the On The Road screenings until the Picture House re-opens.

The Hyde Park Picture House have introduced their new membership schemes which include discounted tickets along with other benefits. This means membership of the Friends will no longer get you a discount on cinema screenings.

Existing members will receive a special introductory offer on the new Picture House memberships for a limited period.

Why has this change been made?

Membership schemes are an important way for cinemas like the Picture House to raise income and grow audiences. The primary motivation for the Friends has always been different, focussing on our charitable objects to support and celebrate the cinema. The changes we are making will help to clarify the relationship between the Picture House and the Friends and allow both organisations to thrive.

How much will it cost to join the Friends?

We will move to a yearly “Pay What You Decide” membership donation starting from January 1st 2023. We want these donations to deliver our charitable aims. For guidance we suggest annual donations of £1 (minimum, to register you as a member), £6 (low income), £12 (higher income) however you can choose how much you contribute. We welcome other donations so that we can develop activities and projects to support the work of the Picture House.

Why should I join the Friends?

The Friends of the Hyde Park Picture House played a key role to help save the cinema when it was under threat some years ago. Now, following the extension and enhancement of the cinema we have an opportunity to influence its development into a vibrant multicultural community resource. By becoming a ‘Friend’ you can play your part.

How do I join?

Membership is open to individuals over eighteen on payment of a ‘Pay What You Decide’ membership fee.

Joining is a 3 step process

  1. Firstly, we ask you to read and agree to support our aims
  2. Then you need to make a donation to cover the “pay what you decide” membership fee.
  3. Finally, complete the membership form with your details.

Full details can be found on our How To Join page.

What if I can’t make an online payment?

You may be able to arrange a bank transfer via your bank’s telephone services or in person at your local branch and then fill in the online form to let us know.

We are looking into alternatives for people who cannot make online payments or fill in the web form and hope to have these available early in 2023.

What do I do if I’m having trouble trying to join?

If you are still have trouble trying to join the Friends then please contact us for further assistance and we’ll be happy to help.

What will the Friends be doing in 2023?

Exactly what we do will depend on what you, our members, want to do. Our Committee of Trustees is small but we can enable members to organise events and activities and advertise them to the wider membership. Whilst the committee can and will organise some core events such as the annual general meeting and our now traditional Yorkshire Day and Christmas Screenings it is not feasible for the Committee to do everything.

But we are not short of ideas…

When the Picture House has reopened, we will be looking into ways of supporting the cinema such as finding volunteers to work on preserving and cataloguing the archives, commissioning and overseeing the production of a mural on the exterior wall in Pearson Grove, co-ordinating film discussion groups, and outreach to the wider Hyde Park community and further afield.

If you would like to get more involved or have any ideas then please do get in touch.

Still got a question that hasn’t been answered? Get in touch and we’ll do our best to answer.